Monday, June 22, 2015

Town Hall 7 - Farming Army Compo (gold league)

Found myself having trouble to get resources in gold league with my previous army compo. It's probably a skill issue, but I often get a one-star and missed the resources... I adapted it to something a bit beefier, without being too pricey:

Elixir needed to train it: 99000
Dark Elixir: 168

As this should be your thresholds for attacking, there's less profiles matching this, but if you're looking to push trophies AND farm resources, it's a good compromise! You'll get heaps of DE doing this!

This compo also makes sure you get the townhall down and usually the elixir storage next to it! Again, this compo is more fool proof, you can do it for cheaper, but you really have to master funnelling and other techniques to help you get what you want.

Click here to see this compo

Strategy (all from one side):
 - attack from the air def side, test with one giant to see if everything is free of bombs
 - release all the giants, help them get through with some wall breakers and a heal spell until they get to the first air def
 - release the healers (important that they target the giants first)
 - release half the minions with the giants/healer combo
 - deploy all wizards, behind all that. Do not group them!
 - sprinkle the minions over your wizards (if there's buildings in the corners, keep minions for those ones too)
 - bring your hero to the party once funnelled, you should have a clear path to the townhall already
 - watch the 2/3 stars falling while your resources are filling up!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Clash of Clans - Tools

Here is a list of useful internet tools if you want to increase your Clash of Clans experience (there's probably heaps more, I just list the one I use!)

- The Wiki

Yeah you probably know about that already, but lots of useful info on that wiki, go check it out!

- Clash Caller

This tool is great, it can organise your clan wars and give you useful statistics at the end of each war. Check out this video that explains what it does and how to use it!

- CoC war tracker

Way less userfriendly than the previous one, but catters different needs. If you're interested in having detailed statistics about your members, you can use this tool, no-one has to interact on another website (unlike clash caller) and you'll have a better understanding of people's skills.

- Base Builder

Ok so despite the main function of this which is building bases, there are heat maps telling how well your base performs but mostly, it's a whole community of people building bases, so a great source for ideas and improvements!

- Army planner

Another great tool to try to optimise your army compositions... it has everything and it's easy to use, just try it!

- Update Trackers

If you're an achiever like me, you probably want to have a 100% maxed out base before upping your level... This tool helps you keep track of what's left to do and how much resources/time you need to get there. In the paid version there's even some added worker queue features and other goodies which I don't use because I'm a cheap achiever!

I'll keep on adding links here when I find some!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Town Hall 5 - Hybrid Base

Again I'm trying a lot of designs that I can find here and there... this one is the one that really leaves my base without shield for long period of time without defending... It also gives some headaches in war when level 5/6 bump against it. Up to you to try it out!

Town Hall 6 - Upgrade Strategy

On my other profile I'm currently level 5, I didn't do any of the previous levels tutorials but level 5 is kinda getting serious already so I start now. This is the upgrade guide for level 6. I'm assuming you have 3 builders by now, if not you really should! This is the level you should be aiming at the 4th one.

 1 - Upgrading troops and spells
 2 - Upgrading village resilience
 3 - Upgrading splash damage

 1 - Upgrading troops and spells

 - lab 4
 - spell 2
 - 1 barrack 8
 - 1 army camp 6 (and repeat)

 2 - Upgrading village resilience

 - +2 spring traps
 - new giant bomb 1->2
 - new elixir collector 1->10
 - new gold mine  1->10
 - 25 walls 1->4
 - clan castle
 - 25 walls 5
 - 1 canon lvl 7
 - 1 archer lvl 7 (and repeat)

 3 - Upgrading splash damage

 - new mortar 1->4
 - mortar 4
 - air sweeper
 - new wizard 1->3
 - air defense 4
 - wizard 3
 - air sweeper 2

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Town Hall 8 - Upgrade Strategy

So I'm almost max TH7 with my main profile and I'm thinking about the best way to upgrade to TH8. Until now my strategy was easy: madly click on all structures to check what's available and wait. But TH8 the waiting time is quite big so it's better to think those things upfront.

Anyway, I first want to have the 5th builder before doing anything. Then I'd dedicate a builder for each main tasks which are:

1 - Upgrading troops and spells
2 - Upgrading resources
3 - Upgrading splash damage
4 - Upgrading air defenses (this can be merged with builder 3 if you have only 4 builders)
5 - Upgrading single target defenses

Each time I can upgrade a hero, I stop any worker's chain of event for it... DE is annoying to keep over long period of times!

At the end upgrading the walls all the way up while perfecting TH8 wars and all... but writing all this I realise that it'll probably happen in a year or so ;)

1 - Upgrading troops and spells

This builder will upgrade things in this order:
 - Laboratory (first thing to do so I can benefit from the level5 upgrades)
 - Spell Factory (4 spells and jump spells)
 - Dark Spell Factory
 - Clan Castle (more loot)
 - Barracks 10
 - New Dark Barrack to level 2
 - Dark Spell Factory 2
 - Dark Barracks 3
 - Barracks 10
 - Dark Barracks 3
 - Barracks 10
 - Dark Barracks 4
 - Barracks 10
 - Dark Barracks 4

This builder would theoretically finish first but because mostly everything is elixir based, and we'll upgrade all the troops and spells, it'll have pauses here and now...

2 - Upgrading resources

This builder will upgrade things in this order:
 - new DE drill
 - DE drill2
 - DE drill3 (I think doing that early will yield a lot of DE on the long haul)
 - DE storage 3
 - DE storage 4 (avoid zapping)
 - new Gold Storage 1->6
 - new Elixir Storage 1->6
 - Gold Collector 12
 - Elixir Collector 12 (and repeat until they're all upgraded)
 - Gold Storage 6->11
 - Elixir Storage 6->11

3 - Upgrading splash damage

This builder will upgrade things in this order:
 - new Mortar 1->6
 - all other Mortars to lvl 6
 - new WizTower 1->5
 - all other WizTower to lvl 5
 - all WizTower to lvl 6

4 - Upgrading air defenses

 This builder will upgrade things in this order:
 - new Air def 1->6
 - both the other Air def to lvl 6
 - new Tesla 1->4
 - both the other Tesla to lvl 4
 - all Tesla to lvl 5
 - Air Sweeper 4
 - all Tesla to lvl 6

5 - Upgrading single target defenses

 This builder will upgrade things in this order:
 - Traps new + max the old ones (will let the resources for the others for a bit)
 - New Walls 1->7 (50 walls so that's 16M gold!, will be at it in between other updates)
 - new Archer Tower 1->9
 - all other Archer Towers to lvl 9
 - all Cannons to lvl 9
 - Archer Tower 10
 - Cannon 10 (and repeat)

Spells and Troops

Trying to maximise the farming first:
 - Archers
 - Barbs
 - Gobs
 - Wall Breakers
 - Heal Spell
 - Giants
 - Wizards
 - Rage spell
 - Dragons
 - All the rest!

Town Hall 7 - Air War Army Compo

This composition is incredibly effective at that level of Town Hall. You will 3 stars each time every other TH7 regardless of the base design, and most of the TH8 with an air defence on the side.

Elixir needed to train it: 333200
Training time: 1h30

Click here to see this compo

Strategy (quite easy):
 - 3 lighting spells on the air defence which is the further away from any drop zone. The one more inside.
 - deploy a large pannel of dragons on the side of the other air defence(s)
 - help out with the king and archers when needed

 - you can trade 5 archers for a giant to lure the clan castle out, it's not really needed against TH7, but TH8 is trickier, so it can help...
 - use the king to clear out the outside structures.
 - Watch out for builder huts in the corners... dragons are slow, this might cost you a star at the end of the raid

Town Hall 7 - War / Trophy Pushing Base

Ok I didn't have a chance to defend that much with this one, it seems like it scares people off, but after looking around, it seems the best design against everything if you want to do some trophy pushing or defend in a war.

Town Hall 7 - Ground War Army Compo

Elixir needed to train it: 168580
Training time: 1h45 (because of spells but the army is 45min)

Click here to see this compo

 - get rid of the clan castle lure and kill style, but if the base is weak just ignore it
 - chose a corner which is more appropriate, I usually try to choose the side with the most defensive buildings first (if there's any) or the town hall side...
 - deploy your giants slightly off to where you want them to break the walls
 - wait for the first mortar shots to deploy wall breakers... all at once is fine, do 3 groups of 2 with a bit of space in between. try to open as much as you can at the beginning
 - heal spell a bit ahead of where you think the giants will go
 - deploy barbs then archers
 - a little bit later deploy wizards then king
 - when (and if) the king joins the pack of giants rage spell
 - keep the last heal spell and use it wisely, all your troops are deployed by now, and probably doing a lot of damage, just keep them alive!

 - When starting, if there's pockets of empty space, waste a giant to check for bombs or hidden teslas and adjust accordingly
 - when deciding where to start, try to avoid being stuck in front of a wall and having a wizard tower just behind... they shred through the pack and will most likely kill your wallbreakers, either heal spell before or chose somewhere else
 - always make sure that the king goes inside by getting rid of any building behind where you drop it

Monday, June 15, 2015

Town Hall 7 - Farming Base

I tried a couple of things, but this is by far my favorite base design for farming.

9/10 attacks are town hall snipe, the 10th one fails mostly. It gets swept through by dragons though...

Town Hall 7 - Farming Army Compo (silver league)

This compo has a good amount of DPS vs HP and gets you through most TH7/TH8 bases if what you're looking for is resources not trophies.

Elixir needed to train it: 77880
(the threshold under which you can skip the base, unless you're looking solely for dark elixir)

Training time: time for the king to wake up

Click here to see this compo

 - clear out one corner of buildings with half of barbs/arch
 - giants, heal spell, half bombs (if possible only 2) to get through the first layer of walls
 - barbs and arch following in
 - bombs to get through the second layer of walls (again 2 at most if possible)
 - king + wiz with the rest of the bombs to get to the middle or clear out structures
 - all gobs to get to storages

 - place giants and wait for the first mortar shots to deploy the bombs
 - you can use few archers to clear out the clan castle if you're fighting a high th7 or a th8
 - make sure no buildings stay behind the king when you deploy it, he justs meanders around and dies otherwise...